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发布时间:2012-07-23        浏览次数:790        返回列表

Being a typical material to show the European and American building style, with warm hue, natural color difference transition and peculiar appearance and texture, the sintered tile is not only good-looking but also of profound historical value. Being natural and environmental, the tiles also show the natural and environmental cultural theme of the buildings.

In the opposite to the bigger one-time initial investment of tile decoration, the buildings will not be less beautiful and need less maintenance. Even in the ultra violet radiation or in the corrosion of acid rain, the tiles are still non-fading to keep the beauty of the buildings. Thus, looking into the one hundred year history of the building, each pen of your investment may get return.

With pure raw material shale, the tile is sintered in high temperature without glazed surface, and some products can be recycled and reused. The tile sintered from shale is a clean and safe environmental product with good water permeability and water locking performance without radioactivity.
抗压强度高:铺地材料抗压值国家标准最小值为大于等于23MPa,平均值为大于等于30 MPa,建筑材料工业墙体屋面材料质量监督检测中心对我们的产品实际测得值分别为34-70 MPa和40-80 MPa,远远超出国家要求。采用普通铺路方法承受10-20吨的压力,如采用混凝土做基层能承受30吨以上的压力,可以满足消防通道的要求。
Strong press resistance: The minimum and average values of national standard press resistance of ground-laying materials are 23MPa and 30MPa, which of our products are 34 to 70 MPa and 40 to 80 MPa, tested by the Quality Monitoring and Testing Center of State Building Material Industrial Wall and Roof Materials and are much beyond the requirements of the state. Our products can support 10 to 20 tons of pressure by common laying method and more than 30 tons with concrete base, which can meet the demand of fire passage.

We all know that the break of the tile is caused by internal stress, which is engendered by two reasons: Firstly, some water is absorbed by the tiles and turns to solid from liquid in the cold weather, so it becomes bigger, which leads to a certain internal stress. When it goes beyond the strength of the tile, the tile will be broken; Secondly, the difference of the structure of the tiles leads to different thermal conductivities of the tiles, so internal stress may be created in different parts of the tiles in the weather with temperature changing suddenly and lead to the break of the surface of the tiles. Proved by the time, the strength, the water absorption and the consistency of the internal structure of the tiles are the main reasons to tell the durable performance of the tiles.

Each of our products is tested strictly according to the standards of USA before leaving the factory and all the technical indexes of water absorption, strength and anti-crack performance meet the standards of USA. The physical indexes should be tested before each bulk of products are accepted by the warehouse, the appearance and the quality are tested by QC department before leaving the factory, and all products are also tested by state technical monitoring department. In order to keep the high quality of the products, we invite authoritative wall material quality testing institute to make spot check of our product quality. (Please see survey report about detailed technical indexes.)